“Drinking and driving is a serious issue that can easily be solved if we always try to make the safest decision,” said senior Landon Layhew, varsity baseball catcher.
Layhew was selected by Mr. Steve Maas, the head baseball coach, to represent Kinkaid for the 2024 “Don’t Drink/Don’t Drive” poster. This is sponsored by the Greater Houston Baseball Coaches Association to advocate for no drinking and driving for teens.
“Our goal for participating in this is to spread awareness about the problem of drinking and driving. Drinking and driving is never okay to do and can cause long-lasting effects in a very short period of time,” Layhew said.
The “Don’t Drink and Drive” is an event held every year in support of teens to not drink and drive. One senior is sent in full baseball uniform for a citywide photoshoot from each school that is invited.
A copy of the “Don’t Drink and Drive” poster is given to each coach as well as their school’s baseball program.
This event will be held at St. Thomas High School this year on Nov. 13.
The Greater Houston Baseball Coaches Association is a useful resource to coaches around Houston.
“It gives information to the community. We go through them for games, new rules and they raise money for scholarships,” Mr. Maas said.
“Drinking and driving is a serious problem and can be resolved if we always try to make the safest decision,” Layhew said.
This drive has the same goal every year: to obtain more passionate advocates.
“We advocate for this cause because we are determined to do our part in recognizing this cause and striving to find a solution,” Layhew said.
The overall goal is to prevent drinking and driving and to try and help teens make healthy decisions to positively influence their futures.