Students prepare for midterm exams

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Inscription: Are you ready for exams? and stationary on grey background.

Carter Pitts, Staff Writer

The semester is coming to an end and grades are nearing finalization, but there’s still one thing left: midterms.

Midterms begin on Friday, Dec. 10 with the World Language examinations. The following week, beginning Dec. 13, Upper School students will have exams in history, math, English and science.

 Finals week often leads to increased stress and pressure on students. Many students often find themselves skipping lunch, staying late after school, or staying up late trying to study for finals. 

Senior Cade Bailey said he minimizes his stress during the finals preparation process by taking a 20-minute break every hour. He uses his break to relax or do something that he enjoys. He also began studying over Thanksgiving break in order to prevent work from piling up. 

“There’s no way to alleviate all of the work that you have to do in order to study for finals, but there are ways to reduce the amount of stress you face during finals weeks,” Bailey said. 

Senior Clay Cameron has a different way to relieve stress during finals week. He creates folders of past tests and quizzes for each of his classes. He uses these folders to create study guides for his classes and see what he needs to review. He also allocated 20 minutes a day to studying for each class over Thanksgiving break. 

“Getting ahead of your work is the best way to prepare for finals,” Cameron said.