Senior Legacy Project highlights facility

Q&A with Ms. Tanya Harris

Maggie Johnston

For senior community groups, students spend the fall semester brainstorming of ways to leave a lasting mark on the Kinkaid community – a legacy. Ms. Ellis’ community group invested time into learning more about some Kinkaid staff members that tend to fly under the radar. In order to highlight the hard work that these facility members do for our community, their community group asked a few simple questions for the student body to learn more about these members of our community.

Describe your day to day routine at Kinkaid.

My day to day routine is I come in and I’m usually here 15 minutes before I open. I make sure I turn on all the lights I start up the computer and open the store. Then I restock anything that I sold, the previous day if I need to restock the candy or anything else. All day I basically just help customers. During the day, I get several deliveries so I check in deliveries and I email the teachers. And that’s basically it!

What is your favorite part of your job and your interaction with the students?

My favorite part is the interaction with the students, faculty, staff and parents.  Helping them find what they need and if we don’t have something in stock then I’ll order it for them. Just trying to accommodate everyone.

What’s your favorite thing to do during your free time? 

My favorite thing to do during my free time is probably watch movies. Right now I am into horror movies, probably because of the Halloween season. My favorite is the Scream movie, the first one. I love it.