Junior revolutionizes suit vendor’s social media
Seniors Canaan Estes, Jaisal Kalapatapu and Nick Bhasin pose before shooting a “Fit Check Friday” video that released on Jan. 27.
February 8, 2023
Every Friday, Kinkaid students eagerly await the “Fit Check Friday” Instagram notification from local vendor Suitmart. The notification is students’ sign that junior Lindsey Karkowsky has released a new video with their fellow Falcons.
Suitmart recruited Karkowsky to expand its social media presence in fall 2022.
“I thought doing social media for SuitMart would be a fantastic way to dip my toes in the water for that field of work,” Karkowsky said.
In her capacity as social media manager, Karkowsky has led the Houston suit store’s Instagram account to more success and viewers through a weekly series she has dubbed “Fit Check Fridays.”
Every Friday, she works with Suitmart to post an Instagram reel, asking some of her male friends to come in and try on suits. She edits the videos, then releases them onto social media once a week.
Her first “Fit Check Friday” post on Sept 23, 2022, attained over 4,800 views. This is a huge contrast in the views before Karkowsky came on board. Before her series, Suitmart’s posts gained less than 20 likes at most.
Karkowsky’s success has continued to grow, and she obtained 4,200 views on her second-most successful “Fit Check Friday” video.
“I’m glad SuitMart gets recognition for their products and can get their name out there for high schoolers,” she said.
Her achievements online have led her to thinking about diversifying her content and expanding to other platforms such as TikTok and Facebook.
“I am starting to take more pictures and post more Instagram stories to not just have videos on Instagram,” Karkowsky said.
“Tuxedo Tuesday,” a series she started in January 2023, has also grown popular, with over 2,000 views on the first “Tuxedo Tuesday.”
Karkowsky said she plans to continue the “Tuxedo Tuesday” series alongside “Fit Check Fridays.”
“I, of course, want more success for the brand,” Karkowsky said. “I encourage all Kinkaid students who want to be included in Suitmart videos to reach out to me.”