Women’s point of view takes center stage during class
Sophomore Reese McMullen, junior Katie Whiteley, sophomore Emerson Heath and freshman Ellison Anderson read over notes in their journal to get ready for discussions in the “Women in Film” class. The class was taught during the Interim Term by Mrs. Kate Lambert, Upper School English teacher, and Ms. Frances Limoncelli, theatre teacher.
January 20, 2023
Students learned about the power women have in society by following the stories of several past and present women who successfully fought societal pressures.
Mrs. Kate Lambert, an Upper School English teacher, working with Ms. Frances Limoncelli, who teaches theatre, created the Interim Term class “Women in Film.”
Starting with a slideshow, Mrs. Lambert introduced many different women directors and acknowledged how award ceremonies favor men over women.
“Seven women have been nominated for directing in the 94-year history of the Oscars,” an NBC news article reported in March 2022.
Students sat around the room listening attentively while they jotted down anything they found interesting in their journal.
Mrs. Lambert introduced directors Lina Wertmuller, Kathryn Bigelow, Chloé Zhao and many other famous female directors to the class.
“I learned that throughout history men have always had all the rights and power,” freshman Taylor Edwards said. “I also learned about how women were never given the lead roles and were always the side character.”
The documentary “This Changes Everything” influenced Edwards’ point of view on many films. The documentary covered how women were treated unfairly as compared to men and how women have to constantly adapt to meet the expectations put on them.
Edwards said the documentary really motivated her to learn more about films and made her reflect on how women, starting back to early film, have always been sexualized and told to wear revealing clothing and heavy makeup.
The documentary changed the way I perceive the film industry,” freshman Eliya Gibson said. “I have always known that women were treated unfairly, but never have I known the actual statistics and facts behind. I have learned just how unfairly women are valued compared to men in Hollywood.”
Students learned about the defined limitations placed upon women and discussed how much power women have.
“I learned that if our society would finally sit down and talk about the discrepancies between men and women then everyone would see that women and minorities are being devalued in the film industry as both directors and characters,” freshman Eliya Gibson said.