FCD Prevention Works visits campus
A green pill and leaf, illustrating the threat of drugs.
February 9, 2022
Students took an FCD Prevention Works survey asking various questions relating to students’ use of substances and perception of substance use on Oct. 21.
The survey was meant to get a better understanding on the current tendencies in the Upper School in comparison with past years to analyze trends. Since the survey’s results were anonymous, students had to be trusted in their honesty for the report.
Upper School students listened to Mr. Eduardo Torres, senior prevention specialist at FCD Prevention Works, speak about the school’s perspective on substances and also students’ use.
Mr. Torres mentioned that the junior and senior class have seen a higher rate of marijuana use. This could be due to the recent popularity of medicinal marijuana, which has increased accessibility. According to the National Conference of State Legislature, as of January 2022, only four states remain that have completely outlawed marijuana and only six more that only allow cannabidiol.
Mr. Torres went on to discuss the dangers of high-risk drinking across grades. High-risk drinkers or binge drinkers, the survey results showed, are people who drank five or more alcoholic beverages on one or more days within the past 30 days.
High-risk drinkers are also more likely to become multi-substance users, which means they are more likely to smoke cigarettes or marijuana, vape or take other illegal substances.
The survey showed that 92, or 15% of Upper School students, could be considered high-risk drinkers.
“Hearing the risks binge drinkers face with other substances may help students drink less,” said junior Lia Bonet.
On the bright side, students’ age when they take their first drink has risen, which may imply a more rightfully negative perception of underage drinking, less pressure to drink alcohol and a better and more supportive school environment.
“The most important purpose of the FCD visit to me is looking at the trends to see where the class is headed and which direction we are moving,” said junior Garrett Hankamer.